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Without Cloud 3D Printing.. is there any way to recall or list out old print jobs, other than keeping track of it manually? Would you even want to!? As long as it's already there for you, there are several reasons you might want to go into your print history:

  1. Requeue an old job to make sure it prints with the exact same settings.
  2. See how often you printed during the last month or two in order to budget properly for more filament.
  3. Add up the total weight (grams) of prints you did for a friend or customer in order to bill them properly.
  4. Download an STL you know you printed, but cannot find any more in your library.
A 3D printed mechanical clock from MyMiniFactory user @Mechanistic

Printer History

Your printer history is kept in the MANAGE printer page, under the HISTORY tab.

  1. Go to your printer
  2. Click MANAGE
  3. Click HISTORY

All jobs show you the following:

  • A rendered snapshot of the item (or a GCODE placeholder image)
  • The Time/Date it was Queued
  • The Time/Date it was Started
  • The Time/Date it was Canceled/Completed
  • STL file for Download
  • Config (slicer .ini output) for Download
  • GCode file for Download
  • Ability to Requeue the Job!


The USAGE tab shows more detail about the prints themselves.

  1. Go to your printer
  2. Click MANAGE
  3. Click USAGE

There, you'll find:

  • The member who queued it, and a link to their Profile
  • The member's email address
  • Unique Job ID
  • Job Name
  • Date Queued, Date Printed
  • Exact Print Seconds (hours, minutes)
  • Exact Filament Used (grams)
  • Ability to Filter, Sort, and Export to .csv!

For Schools 🎓

Schools & Enterprises have added reporting tools that show many accessed the printer, how many prints were cancelled, failed, etc. Click here for more info.