Create Your School
When you join the Polar Cloud for the first time, you're an individual, not tied to any schools, libraries, or other organizations. You're a free agent!
However, using schools is the absolute best way to manage a printer. Whether you're on your own, or with hundreds of others, creating your School is the first step to a simpler, more efficient future of printing.
Consult the articles below to better understand the features and advantages of using a "School".
When should you create a school?
Why Schools?
Create a School
Go to Connect > Schools, and click the purple PLUS + button.
Step 1: Basic Information
Choose your country, enter an address, and complete some basic information about your school.
NCES and other Data is optional, if you don't have it. We ask for it to ensure there are no duplicate schools created.
Step 2: Share Your Experience
Open some of the will show you custom articles to help you get started with your school.
Step 3: Learning Paths and Help Articles
Based on your level of experience you shared in Step 2 above, you'll be given some help articles that should get you on your way.
Step 4: Start a Trial or Activate
Step 5 - ∞: What's Next?
After creating your school, you'll be taken to the School Dashboard page. The dashboard is where you choose the setup of your printing program.
- Add Members
- Connect Printers
Choose Settings
Proceed with a "Free" school (very limited)
Start a Free Trial of the Site License for 30 Days
Skip the Trial, and activate your School's License for Immediate Use
Opting out of the Free Trial is only recommended if you are planning to come back and begin the trial at a later date. A "Free School" cannot perform many core functions.