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If your users:

  • Have some experience with 3D printing
  • Are trusted with 3D printing designs
  • Or.. Are permitted and encouraged to make mistakes!

Your setup is a great candidate for using "Experienced Student" member type and allowing students to choose a printer to send them to.

To Setup

  1. Toggle on "Experienced Students" and make note of the Join Code. Share this with the students you want to join the school.
    1. Alternatively, you can import your classes from Google Classroom, then select those students and "Bulk Promote" them.
  2. Invite all of the teachers or print lab managers as "Teachers" in the school.
  3. Teach your students to "Create a Print Job" from their object, and send them directly to the printer.

To Print

Your Experienced Students Will..

  1. Sign in with their own accounts
  2. Upload objects, or import them directly from Tinkercad
  3. Click 3D Print > My Printer
  4. Make necessary modifications, choose an available printer, and click PRINT to add their job to the queue.

Your Teachers Will..

  1. Go to Make > Printers
  2. Select a printer with jobs in queue
  3. Modify the queue (as necessary)
  4. Click START to begin printing