More Access: Student Managers that can Field/Prepare Jobs for Others, and Control the Printers Directly
This workflow means that you have:
- Many young or novice students that need to submit their prints in the form of a Job Request (having someone else do the actual printing)
- A few advanced or passionate students that can help the teachers out by preparing prints for other students, and sharing in the printing
To Print
Your Students Will..
- Sign in with their own accounts
- Upload objects, or import them directly from Tinkercad
- Click 3D Print > My School
- Follow along via notifications, or by going to Make > My Outgoing Requests.
Your Student Managers Will..
- Go to Make > Manage My Lab
- Select some jobs for printing
- Send them to the school's printer(s)
Your Teachers Will..
- Go to Make > Manage My Lab
- Select some jobs for printing
- Send them to the school's printer(s)