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If your school received or purchased a Polar Cloud Site License and funding has lapsed or your license expired, you can still use the Polar Cloud to print! Here's how things will change.

  • Your school will show up as "EXPIRED" in the Dashboard > Settings area, under Plan Details
  • If you have more than 1+ printer, you will have to select a single printer for use. You can change this printer selection once, within 10 days of your original selection.
  • You will lose access to the Explore > Activities section, which houses the STEAMtrax and STEAMtrax Shorts Curriculum modules.
  • You can no longer run the "Magic Estimator" tool on your print jobs.
  • The Job Requests system (Make > Manage My Lab) area will be shut off.
  • Your school dashboard will be locked.
  • Text Message notifications will be turned off.
  • Printer history can no longer be accessed, meaning snapshots and timelapse videos will be hidden.
  • You can no longer use the school inventory reports to export printer usage and design statistics.