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Prerequisite: You have a .STL, .OBJ, .3MF, or other 3D printable file saved somewhere on your computer, and the program you designed it in does not allow for direct CAD export to the cloud.

Upload an object into your personal repository from any of these 3 locations!

Upload Locations

From the Home Page

From the Explore > Objects page

From the Build Plate

How to Upload

On the next step, from the Upload Files dialog box, you can click in the large area to pull up your computer's filepicker.

Once the object (or objects) are chosen, click UPLOAD.

You have two options here.

  1. View Object: This will take you directly to the object page.
  2. Load to Build Plate: Takes you directly to the virtual build plate, so you can slice your STL or OBJ file and choose a printer to send it to.