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Once your 3D printer is connected to the cloud, just once..

You can share it with an infinite number of people, but you remain in complete control.

You can access it from your smartphone, tablet, or computer, but your connection is secure. No need for port forwarding, DDNS, or any other risky changes that open yourself up to attacks.

It doesn't matter if you're at home with the printer, or halfway across the world! You can get updates from your printer, check in on it via the browser, or even start your next print!

The Polar Cloud is a "responsive" web app platform, meaning it will accommodate all devices, no matter the screen size or resolution. The Cloud runs in the browser, meaning you never have to install a thing.

For Hobbyists

When you're interested in 3D printing as a hobby, half of the fun is upgrading your setup to make it faster, more reliable, etc. You can buy all of the upgrades available for your printer,but without cloud access, what happens when you leave home? Cloud printing is the ultimate upgrade to your printing experience.

For Professionals

The same reasons above above apply, but even moreso! If you're printing for a client, or for your own project with a deadline, getting it completed is paramount. Plus, the cloud keeps track of important data so you can see who printed what, when, and how much it weighs, how long it took, etc.

For Schools

This concept is especially important for educational users. Standardizing your printing across several classrooms or grade levels has immediate and far reaching impacts.

Example: The students who use Flashforge printers in their 4th grade class will still be perfectly familiar with the Dremel 3D45 printers that they will use when they get to 7th grade Science. The way they export from their design tool, submit a job, and manage their prints will still be the same. Even though they are different printers, the cloud interface remains the same!