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Job Requests are ON by default in all licensed schools.

If you're on the Free plan for schools, you cannot use Job Requests. Email to request a quote for PO.

Any member of the school can submit a job request. Students are the baseline, lowest level of access, that have to use job requests for printing. Experienced Students, Student Managers, and Teachers all have increasing levels of access, but they can still submit a job if they'd like!

Taking Job Requests


Make sure you have your notifications turned on, so that you know when someone submits a job. You have 3 options:

  • Notification Bell (default, but can easily be missed)
  • Email
  • SMS Text Message

Optional Settings: Requests of Color & Material

If you'd like, you can turn on the option for submitting users to request their print be done in a certain color, or material type. These settings are OFF by default. If you're unsure, check out the article below to learn more.