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This is the optimal result for any printing program. It involves and engages students of all experience levels and shares the workload with capable students.

  • Novice students submitting print requests to the school
  • Experienced students adding their own jobs directly to the printer's queue
  • Student managers helping the students get their jobs printed
  • All member types being Promoted/Demoted as necessary
  • Teachers watching to monitor access

Simply turn on all member types, and import/add students!

To Print

Your Students Will..

  1. Sign in with their own accounts
  2. Upload objects, or import them directly from Tinkercad
  3. Click 3D Print > My School
  4. Follow along via notifications, or by going to Make > My Outgoing Requests.

Your Experienced Students Will..

  1. Sign in with their own accounts
  2. Upload objects, or import them directly from Tinkercad
  3. Click 3D Print > My Printer
  4. Make necessary modifications, choose an available printer, and click PRINT to add their job to the queue.

Your Student Managers Will..

  1. Go to Make > Manage My Lab
  2. Select some jobs for printing
  3. Send them to the school's printer(s)