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School Admin (Teacher, Lab Manager)

  • By Polar Cloud Academy
  • Published: May 13, 2024
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You can skip this step if you've already visited and created a free account.

Using a school is necessary if you are an educational user and want to get the most out of the Polar Cloud. Without it, the Polar Cloud thinks you are a hobbyist, and will tailor your experience that way.

You can skip this step as well, if your printers have already been connected to the Polar Cloud. You only have to do this once! All the printer sharing takes place in the cloud.

Bowl your first strike by sending a print job from the Polar Cloud! You can take an object from Tinkercad and turn it into a real-life object in the palm of your hand without ever leaving the browser.

Whether it's your students, other teachers, or some district level administration, you can add others to your school for access and insights into the 3D printing activities.